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The best plugins for Obsidian

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April 2021

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1 min

I'm new to Obsidian, but so far so great! I'm really enjoying it and I'm thrilled by its potential. Simple in appearance, a plethora of options.

The following list is a short list of my favorite plugins. First the ones included in core and then the ones built by the community.

Plugins included with Obsidian

  • Graph View Of course, it had to be the first one. This is the main attraction.
  • Daily notes A good one for those who like journaling, but also a good way of breaking the fear of a blank page. Just start writing and creating atomic notes.
  • Quick switcher A really useful way to open files.
  • Command palette A second nature feature for any developer.
  • Tag pane To have everything organized and under control.
  • Audio recorder Record audio directly from Obsidian.

Obsidian plugins by the community (third party)

Remember that in order to install third-party plugins, you need to turn off Safe Mode in Settings -> Community plugins -> Safe Mode. Safe mode is on by default.

  • Sliding panes This one is pretty handy for research or just to have on hand complementary notes. It simulates they way we work with paper on our desktop.
  • Advanced tables For those who work with tables because markdown tables can be tricky.
  • Calendar If you use "Daily notes", this is a great complement.
  • Day planner A TODO list inside Obsidian to keep everything under the same roof.
  • Git To keep a backup of all your files.

These are just a few of the best and most downloaded plugins. There are many more to discover.

For more information on Obsidian, visit their website.

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